A warm welcome from East Clare Golf Club

It is a great a honour to serve as your captains and president for this exciting year ahead.

We appreciate all your good wishes and offers of support for the coming year. We will endeavour to carry out our duties in a professional and inclusive manner. We will work hard to advance the interests of the members.

We want to thank most sincerely our vice-captain's and those who have agreed to be on the men's, ladies and management committees and who continue to work tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of our club. Your continued co-operation with them is greatly appreciated.

We would also like to express our good wishes to our club teams and their management for the year ahead, and assure them of our full support.

East Clare is a wonderful and majestic place, one of which we can be very proud of. A huge thank you to the ground staff and the course volunteers for their incredible work, dedication and vision.

A special word of thank you to our dedicated volunteers who, week after week, give endless hours of their time to our club. Their enthusiasm and commitment play an important part in making East Clare the wonderful place that it is.

We would like all members to continue to enjoy and play golf in the club. We would ask you all to advocate for our club and encourage family, former members and friends to join us. The club provides a wide range of membership options and you can be rest assured that a huge Céad Míle Fáilte will await them.

We look forward to seeing you all on the fairways, enjoying the gem that is, East Clare Golf Club.

Teddy O' Hanlon - Club President
Paul Hayes - Captain
Helen Downey- Lady Captain